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Unless otherwise specified, the following should be read in conjunction with any and all news releases by HashKey Exchange.

This material is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute, nor should be interpreted as, any form of solicitation, offer or recommendation of any product or service. It does not constitute investment, tax or legal advice. In no event should any news release be considered as recommendation of a particular type of digital asset.

This material may include market data prepared by HashKey Exchange or data from third party sources. While HashKey Exchange makes reasonable efforts to ensure the reliability of such third-party information, such information may have not been verified. Graphics are for reference only. We make no representation or warranty, express or implied, to the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the information in this material. Information may become outdated, including as a result of new plans, regulations or changes in the market. In making investment decisions, investors should not solely rely on the information contained in this material. The risk of loss in trading digital assets can be substantial and is not suitable for all investors.

Any forward-looking statements in this material is subject to several conditions, uncertainties and assumptions. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements.

The English version shall prevail if there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions.

Where participation in campaigns or events of HashKey Exchange is involved

Participation in any campaign or event of HashKey Exchange does not guarantee eligibility, acceptance, or receipt of any rewards, benefits, or incentives. No rewards, benefits or incentives may be exchange for cash or other products. HashKey Exchange may impose certain criteria, requirements, or limitations for participation, and it reserves the right to deny or disqualify individuals or entities from participating in the campaign or event at any time. HashKey Exchange reserves the right to make changes, modify, or cancel the campaign or event or the eligibility of any participant at any time at its sole discretion, including due to internal control, system issues or other circumstances, without any prior notice or liability.

Participation in any campaign or event of HashKey Exchange may involve the acquisition of digital assets. Please be aware that digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, are highly volatile and subject to market risks. The value of digital assets can fluctuate significantly, and there is no guarantee of profit or preservation of capital. You should carefully consider your own risk tolerance and financial situation before participating in the campaign or event.

Participants are responsible for complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines related to the acquisition, possession, use, or trading of digital assets. It is your responsibility to ensure that your participation in any campaign or event of HashKey Exchange is lawful in your jurisdiction and that you meet any required legal and regulatory obligations. Besides these standard terms and disclaimers, campaign or event is subject to specific terms and conditions applicable to it. A person who is not a party to these terms and conditions may not enforce any of their terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

To the fullest extent permitted by law, HashKey Exchange, its affiliates, partners, and employees shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising from participant’s participation in any campaign or event of HashKey Exchange, including but not limited to any loss of funds, profits, business, potential profits, data, or reputation.

HashKey Exchange reserves the ultimate discretion regarding the rules and rewards of any campaign or event of HashKey Exchange. HashKey Exchange’s decision is final.

For enquiries, please contact HashKey Exchange media team at or HashKey Exchange customer service at

Hash Blockchain Limited

Hash Blockchain Limited is responsible for the issue of this material in Hong Kong. It is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission for Types 1 and 7 regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance. HashKey Exchange does not service users from Mainland China, United States and certain other jurisdictions in compliance with laws and regulations. This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong or any other regulator.

Risk Warning About HSK: Please note that HSK is not currently listed on any exchange and there is no guarantee that it will be listed in the future. Therefore, HSK does not yet have a determined market value. The timetable for HSK's potential listing remains uncertain. If HSK is successfully listed, it may be subject to various trading restrictions in accordance with applicable regulations and laws. These restrictions may include, but are not limited to, limiting HSK trading to individuals or entities who are “professional investors” as defined by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO). The value of HSK is subject to significant risk and may decrease or fluctuate significantly due to various market conditions and other factors beyond HashKey Exchange's control. HashKey Exchange makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to HSK or any rewards, and disclaims any liability related thereto.

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